Taubman College

Research Through Making Project "Empty Pavilion" Opens Saturday in Detroit

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The Empty Pavilion is a meditation on Detroit's evacuated urban context and an experiment in the ability of architecture to make visible a latent public in the city. The project aspires to create an architecture that is physically and semantically empty, while solicitous of public interaction and imaginative projection. The creators of the Empty Pavilion have no specific use or meaning in mind – hoping instead that the project will invite unplanned occupancies and creative associations.

The Empty Pavilion is a project by McLain Clutter, Assistant Professor and former Oberdick Fellow Kyle Reynolds, with a team of students from the University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ariel Poliner, Mike Sanderson and Nate van Wylan. The project was funding by the Taubman College Research Through Making grant program.

Location: corner of Dalzelle Street and 14th Street
Food and beverages will be served at the opening.